Category Technology

An American Werewolf in Panama #2

Category: PanamaTechnology Comments: No comments

8/12/2021 – “Everything you wanted to know about VPNs but Didn’t Know to Ask”

FULL DISCLOSURE – Christopher Minori is not a werewolf. He is, however, a US Expat living in Panama.

Let me start by saying to my dearly beloved computer geeks: Piss off. This one isn’t for you. For the rest of you– read on.

So, you finally made it to Panama, you found a place to stay, plugged in your Firestick and brought up Amazon Prime to watch a movie. Wait a dang minute– all you’ve got is Amazon Originals and a bunch of Spanish shit. Ok, you can deal with that, you bring up Netflix and it’s the same deal. You decide to try something simple like Peacock and it tells you, “Sorry, Jackass, we don’t work in your country...

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Christopher Minori Guest Blogs on State of Security 6/20

Category: Network SecurityTechnology Comments: No comments

Christopher Minori is guest posting again on Tripwire’s State of Security Blog. You may have anti-virus software installed, but by no means are you protected. Read the post here:

“I Have Antivirus; I’m Protected, Right? Mis-steps Customers Make with their Security and Vulnerability Tools”

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Christopher Minori Guests on State of Security 1/20

Category: Network SecurityTechnology Comments: No comments

Besides being a playwright, author, and artist, Christopher Minori has worked in the network security field for the last 18 years. This month he was a guest writer on Tripwire’s influential blog, The State of Security.

Read his thoughts on why you shouldn’t skimp on network security services.

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Fixing Broken reCaptcha on WordPress

Category: Network SecurityTechnologyWeb DesignWordpress Comments: No comments

I’ve been using WordPress for my websites for years, so I’m pretty familiar and have been able to fix most small issues. But the other day, I came across an error that stumped me. I finally resolved it, but the answer came from multiple resources, plus a talk with Google support (who couldn’t figure it out), and a whole lot of guesswork. To save you from my headaches, I wanted to share my solution. This post assumes you’re familiar with WordPress and Google reCaptcha and their respective terms.

The issue started when I decided to change one of my sites’ domain name and move to another hosting provider. I got the site moved and my new domain was resolving correctly. Of course, only the index page worked, because I needed to change my permalinks for everything else...

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