Beta Reader Application

Want to be part of the Christopher Minori writing process? Then volunteer to be an official beta reader. As a member of this elite group, you’ll get to review Minori’s new work, find mistakes, make suggestions, and generally whip him and his crappy novel into shape!

To be a beta reader, you’ll need to commit to reading the novel within 45 days, use a word processor program that can track changes (MS Word or libreOffice preferred) , and fill out a short form after the beta period is over.

Here’s what you’ll get:
-Your name listed in the book as part of the beta reader team
-A free digital copy of the completed book once published
-Minori’s undying love and gratitude

Apply now to beta read Minori’s new novel, Bigger Than Jesusl!

Samm is back in his biggest adventure yet! Angels and demons are being murdered in impossible ways and worst of all, God can’t see who’s behind it. On loan to Heaven, Samm has to put a stop to it before God’s apparent fallibility rips the Universe apart. Easier said than done, since he’s preoccupied with his missing apprentice. Adesina has run off to join the Ceathrahm, a test designed to promote demons to the next level of magick useage, but was never meant for humans. Twenty demons go into the contest. Only five walk out alive. Amidst all this carnage, Samm will have to decide whether to save Adesina or the Universe.

Sometimes there are no good choices. But you still have to choose.

To apply, please complete and send the below form (We will never give out or sell your personal information)

NOTE: Users of some browsers have  reported problems with this form working. If you experience issues, try using the Firefox browser, which has been tested and works fine.