Category Writing

Meeting Zach Galligan

Category: CelebritiesWriting Comments: No comments

While at Monsterama 2016, ran into Zach Galligan, star of the Gremlins moves and the cult Waxworks series. He was incredibly nice to his fans, and hosted a couple of the best panels, describing his first meeting with, and subsequent crushes, on Phoebe Cates. As you can see from the photo, even Zach Galligan has a Dirty Little Secret!

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Dirty Little Secrets Audible audiobook now available at

Category: SammWriting Comments: No comments

Christopher Minori’s horror-comedy anthology, Dirty Little Secrets, is now available in audio book format at and Fifteen of the original stories are performed on the 8 1/2 hour recording by actor/producer John O’Hearn. The sixteenth story, Jurassic Lark, was not recorded for the book as it did not translate well to audio. The book is selling briskly, with great reviews. You can purchase the audio book here. There’s three ways to purchase it:

1. If you’re not a member of audible, it can be purchased using credit card, PayPal or with an Amazon gift card.

2. If you’re a member of Audible’s subscription service, you can either purchase it using your monthly credit, or can purchase it using a credit card, PayPal or with an Amazon gift card at a $5.00 discount.


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10 Questions With… Producer/Actor John O’Hern

Category: 10 Questions With...SammWriting Comments: No comments

With the audiobook version of Christopher Minori’s Dirty Little Secrets near release, we thought it was a good time to get a little close and personal with its producer and actor, John O’Hern.

1. You’re a man of many talents; producer, actor, author. Which is your favorite hat to wear?

I have always been a story teller. It’s my most natural talent (if you saw my golf swing you’d see what an unnatural talent looks like!!) and it’s probably what I was born to do. So…to answer your question I would have to say acting and writing are my most favorite things. I get great pleasure from storytelling and I don’t really care how I do it…by acting or writing one down. Both take a lot of work to properly craft but it’s always worth it in the end.

2. What made you decide to produce Dirty Lit...

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Dirty Little Secrets Audiobook To Be Released

Category: SammWriting Comments: No comments

Christopher Minori’s anthology, Dirty Little Secrets has been picked up by producer John O’Hern for an Audible audiobook production. The audiobook will contain fifteen of the original sixteen stories.

“I wanted to include them all,” Minori says, “but we found that Jurassic Lark really didn’t translate to audio.”

The audiobook is expected to be released as an exclusive and should arrive in June.

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So, You Want To Self Publish?

Category: Writing Comments: No comments

I’m a self publisher. My book, Dirty Little Secrets came out September 2016 and my new novel, Little Idiots, has just been released. One thing I’ve always striven to do is make certain my books are as professional as possible, and that I’m not skipping any steps that a storefront publishing company would use. I read a lot of other self published authors, because you can often find some real gems out there, but what I’ve found is that so many of them skip those steps. You only write one draft? You had your four year old create your cover design? You don’t need no steenking editor?

The truth is, if you are skipping these steps, if you’re rushing your books out to press, then your book is going to suffer for it, regardless of how good the story idea might be...

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Christopher Minori’s Dirty Little Secrets available for free on Amazon Kindle 8/29 – 9/2

Category: SammWriting Comments: No comments

Texas Chainsaw Musical author Christopher Minori has pre-released his new horror anthology, Dirty Little Secrets. The paperback is being released September 4th, but the book is now available on Amazon Kindle for download. As part of a promotion to celebrate the release, Dirty Little Secrets is free to download from 8/29 – 9/2. Once the promotion has ended, the Kindle version will return to its regular price of $2.99. The book is available for download to Amazon Kindle and Kindle app HERE.

Dirty Little Secrets is also available on KindleUnlimited, for readers who subscribe to that service.

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Christopher Minori publishes “Smoke” as a free download

Category: Writing Comments: No comments

Author Christopher Minori’s new anthology, Dirty Little Secrets, is being released September 4th. But you can get a taste of it now. To celebrate the releae, Minori has published one of its stories, Smoke. And the best part is, it’s absolutely free. All he asks is that you leave a review to tell him what you thought. Smoke follows gambler Tommy Baker. If he’d only been better at it, he wouldn’t have a loan shark about to kill him over five thousand dollars. In desperation, he makes a deal with a strange old man, who offers to give him the money in exchange for Tommy’s cigarette habit. All Tommy has to do is never smoke again. It’s a crazy deal, made by a crazy man. How could Tommy lose?  Smoke is available for free on Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, and Barnes and Noble’s Book Nook.

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Dirty Little Secrets Release Date Announced

Category: SammWriting Comments: No comments

A release date has been announced for Christopher Minori’s Dirty Little Secrets anthology. It’s scheduled for September 4th, 2016. Initially, it will be available on Amazon with both Kindle and softcover editions, with additional retail availability to be announced later.

Minori has said he plans to pre-release several stories from the book before its September debut.

“I’m going to publish at least two or three stories before the book comes out. Fans of my play, The Texas Chainsaw Musical!, know exactly what they’re getting with my writing. But for people who are new to my work, this is a chance to see what I’m about, discover my writing style, and generally question my life choices. But, if you like the stories, you’re going to love the book.”

The stories will be released on Kindle only, an...

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