Ralph Bakshi – Animation is moving to the Internet

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Ralph Bakshi is a personal hero of mine; the grandfather of independant adult-oriented animation. In an interview at Dragoncon in 2011, he makes his premonition of the future for independent animators.

“I think everything (animation) is moving to the internet. Low budget animation will move to the Internet. I think Google, and Youtube, and Netflix will all be paying for their own product. That’s where the future is.”

And he’s right. Four years later and Hulu is producing its cartoon “The Awesomes”. Netflix produced an additional Season of “Clone Wars” and has their exclusive adult cartoon series, “Bojack Horseman”. And Bakshi himself is producing his own independent film, “Last Days of Coney Island”, created entirely on computer. What a great time to be an animator!

Here’s the full interview:

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